fuCKYou cky is an awsome band hell yeah
"BOOF! he's gonna have to call u back!"
by Jessica Marks January 28, 2004
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1. Camp Kill Yourself, a band forcing change in the music industry. Deron Miller,Chad GInsburg, Vern, Jess Margera.
2. Movies made by Bam Margera. They came out after the band but before Jackass.
by Rosie February 11, 2004
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CKY (short for Camp Kill Yourself) is comprised of members Deron Miller (vocals, guitar), Chad Ginsburg (guitar), Vern Zaborowski (bass), and Jess Margera (drums). Originally hailing from West Chester, PA, the roots of CKY stretch back to 1994, when friends Miller and Margera formed the group Foreign Objects -- issuing the EP The Undiscovered Numbers & Colors on the Distant Recordings label a year later. By 1996, the group had changed its name to Camp Kill Yourself, while demos were recorded and the other members fell into place. CKY caught a brake when Jess Margera had his brother pro skater and Jackass star Bam Margera feature them on the CKY videos. From there their music was featured on the hit MTV show Jackass. CKY Vol. 1 and 2 were released in 1999 as soundtracks to their videos. Later on in 2001 they were reissued. In 2002 the band recorded the successful Infiltrate.Destroy.Rebuild. album. They have appeared in the 2000 Warped Tour and even tried to get their msuic out by going on Axl Rose's attempt at a Guns N' Roses comeback. But that just blew up. In 2005 they came back to record and release An Answer Can Be Found. Minus Vern Zaborowski of course. But even without the bassist they sound better than ever. On a side note CKY played the band Gnar Kill in Bam Margera's movie Haggard.
CKY is one of the most successful indie bands ever.
by RazorbladeKiss810 June 12, 2006
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Kickass metal band from Philadelphia.
Stands for Camp Kill Yourself.
Drummer is the brother of Jackass regular and CKY dvd series star Bam Margera.
Listen to CKY.
by dumb kid from spokane April 15, 2004
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Short for "Camp Kill Yourself". One kick-ass band.
Listen to Chinese Freestyle by CKY. NOW.
by Araquiel October 30, 2004
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The most KICKASS fuckin band you will ever hear!
listen to cky
by Trevor October 21, 2003
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isn't it fuckin funny!
every single person who has entered a definition for "CKY" thinks they fuckin rock.....well i've got summit 2 tell u all......YOU'RE FUCKING SO RIGHT!!!!
cky = fucking mental!
cky = fucking great!
cky = fucking best band eva!
cky = fucking......er......YEAH!!
by your name here February 20, 2004
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