"Good bye!", "I'm out!", "Peace!", "Peace out!", "Check you out later!" When you are saying good bye to someone. To show them the peace sign.
Jav: What are you doing?
JR: I'm going to the club.
Jav: Alright, Chunk da deuce!
by Spanish Ninja November 22, 2007
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To show love to your homies on the streets. Also, to show respect or peace to fellow gangstas. If ya with me, please do chunk up the deuce.
"I chunk up the deuce of the south and the north." Lil Keke

I saw Jamal ridin', so I hollered and chunked up the deuce to my main man.
by Dave the manchild January 22, 2007
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When one's crap, AKA a deuce, is so big it cannot fit down the toilet pipes. It is neccesary to break, or chunk, up the deuce so that it can flush properly.
I ate some wicked Mexican food last night, and had to chunk up the deuce... twice!
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throw up the twos in other words the peace sign
i chunk up tha deuce for the south in tha mouth boys talkin bout it i got them diamonds in my mouth.-lil keke
by launi July 8, 2006
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