An over-all saying when it is meant to mean nothing at all and leave people guessing.
What chu thank bout them chimichangas?
by Evan_WaNg ChiZZaMp 8 May 11, 2004
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A New Jersey hardcore/hardstyles/mosh band that sport ski-masks, they play shows for weed and/or big booty bitches. the band consists of DooDooBrown-vocals, Pitchild-guitar, Minotaur-guitar, and Kikinwang-drums.

They call their fans/crew The Chimination
Bob: Yo, you going to The Chimichangas show tonight?

Bill: Na man, im not trying to die
by Kikinwang August 9, 2011
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A sex act where one of the 3 participants is wrapped up tightly in a strong duvet which cuts off blood circulation to the arms and legs and only the head and anus of the person is visible. A Mexican or a person of Mexican descent uses extra hot salsa as a lubrication and fully inserts one or more fingers into the persons anus whilst performing their native Mexican dance - "The Shimmyshanga". Meanwhile the other participant dips his or her genitals in sour cream dip and/or guacamole. They then continue to use various rapid movements to pleasure themselves using the trapped participants face.
-"Hey man how did you and Shannice get on last night?"
-"We hooked up with Pedro and went home. Things got pretty hot and spicy and we ended up doing the chimichanga alllllll night long"

-"i feel awful this morning. feels like I've been wrapped up in a strong duvet whilst a mexican fingered my ass with hot salsa whilst another person slapped a sour cream cock in my face."
-"Mate. You've been chimichanga-ed"
by heisenberg1986 September 7, 2013
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delicious mexican food entre which consists of a mixture of cheese, tortilla, and chicken. (otherwise known as the quesadilla, fajita, and enchilada--but not to be confused with the burrito which quite originally has beans, cheese, a tortilla, and chicken.)
(to waiter at mexican food restauraunt) umm i think i'll have the uhhh..uhm...quesadilla? no wait uhh! the fajitas! gah no i want an enchilada--ok ya i'll take ah you idiot! im so sorry i am such a complete fool but i know what i want--i want the chimichanga--no no lets see...ok no i am definetely in the mood for some quesadillas yep i'll have the quesadillas.

(in waiters mind) poor sucker...they're all the same...
by chicken pot pie May 3, 2007
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Chimichanga: Something you say when it smells like something crawled up your butt and died
Jake: chimichanga what crawled up my but and died!
by Discreetbitch June 22, 2020
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