Carl Burbank, a marvel villian best known as a enemy of daredevil.
Tony, I just saw Bushwacker shoot that girl!
by Joe Wasner March 30, 2008
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One of the heaviest medium-weight Battlemechs, weighing in at 55 tons. Its primary loadout consists of one ER Large Laser, two Machine Guns, two LRM 5s, and one AC/10.

(Battletech Universe)
"Command...radar indicates a Bushwacker approaching from the west, range 972 meters and closing."
by Cataphract_40 March 6, 2005
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Gawkers, always males and usually Mexican, that hang out on the cliffs, hills or dunes around a nude beach.
"It was a nice day at the nude beach today, but my girlfriend wouln't take off her bikini because of all the bushwackers"
by hetzer58 June 5, 2009
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The act of ambushing your male friends with a girlfriend to an event after it was clearly understood no women were welcome. Typical events include testosterone only poker parties and sports events or estrogen chasing social events such as street festivals or house parties in which it is understood do NOT bring sand to the beach!!!

I can't believe John bushwacked me at the door with his girlfriend. Yet, the poker party invitation was specifically clear - No Chicks Allowed. So, I had no ploblem with turning him and his lady away.
by Dean Barbella July 2, 2007
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The drowzy, tired feeling you get after smoking a lot of weed. The best way to cure being bushwacked is either smoking more weed, moving on to some other form of impairment, or falling asleep.
I was so bushwacked after those pearl blunts we had yesterday i just passed out.
by Tweed Smoka January 28, 2008
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One who tries to make personal gain by the distruction of others reguardless of truth fack or ethics.
John F. Kerry is a real bushwacker
by Nutz January 8, 2005
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Bro i picked up a ben before and it was absolute BUSHWACK

It looks like bushwack but it’s actually good weed g
by Big Batty Brad July 1, 2019
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