Brielle,a kind young beautiful loving women with anger issues
A: Brielle your my wibba
by bumholius March 24, 2019
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brielle is the name of my best friend i love her sooo much!! shes there for me every step of the way with anything i need help with. she so sweet and shes so outgoing and she usually has a smile on her face! yes she can seem super shy but when you get her talking she wont stop! 😂😂 i love her with all of my heart and i will never regret meeting her shes my best friend and im never gonna forget her
oh your name is brielle? oh thats amazing!!!
by music247 January 22, 2020
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Someone very dear to your heart. She is blonde, brown-eyed, and has a beautiful smile. She loves to laugh, run, and go to the beach. She thinks she is Hawaiian. Anyways, She kills you. She really will. Especially this boy named Noah, because he loves her.
Noah loves Brielle.
by Radinator June 18, 2013
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The coolest place in the whole wide world. Spanning from the wonderful Agnes to the point bridge. Town pride like you would not believe if you dont live here, then that sucks. Blazer pride, all day.
by wbs. March 26, 2009
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Brielle. Brielle is the best woman I know she is cute, funny, and has a great personality. Brielle likes to play soccer and go out with friends. She also has a wild side to her. Brielle is also incredibly stunning and beautiful. So beautiful it is to hard to describe her. Don’t mess with Brielle though she will beat you to death. Do not try her. She also has a noice looking body. You would be able to tell if that girl your looking at is Brielle if she is the hottest girl you have ever seen.❤️😍
Damn she must be a Brielle.

Is that girl a brielle. I think she is since she is the hottest girl I have ever seen.

Brielle the hottest girl you will ever find.
by MonsieurSherman May 21, 2018
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She is smart, beautiful. But she can also be a firecracker when it comes to her family and friends . She is very athletic and loves all sports. But she is also a night bird( love to sleep ).she will make you laugh for hours just by talking about her life and herself. But she can lose her temper and when she does she doesn't listen to anyone,and thinks she's right all the time😭but when she relizes she's wrong she totally shuts down,but to get to that point you have to do the impossible...get her to believe and prove she's wrong😬.now all this doesn't mean she's a bad person it's just means she has a way of thinking she right alllll the time.when she likes you she will tell no one even if she trust you with her life .she may make if obvious at one point but rush to cover it up so knowone will even guess who it is.she has very few relationships because she doesn't want to be in a relationship if she is not in love with the person.she does go out with someone just for the likin.
Brielle is a firecracker when she wants to be
by Gilbertb March 14, 2017
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She's an amazing person and someone you should never let go of. Brielle doesn't realize how intelligent, beautiful, and caring she is. She also has a great sense of humor and knows all the memes you could possibly find. She will do anything in her power for her friends. She tends also to worry more about others than her self, even though she should.
Person: Hey Brielle!
by \_(*o*)_/ April 15, 2019
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