The meal that any woman (or gay man for that matter) can stomach after a night consisting of having sex a total of at least 10 times with 3 different guys, and then continues in the morning with the knob slobbing.
Male: "You ready for the breakfast of champions?"
Female: "If it is what I think it is, then n..."
by fagmuffin February 24, 2005
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A geniune Breakfast of Champions (Here on reffered to as B.o.C) is an un-orthodox, usually unhealthy meal in the late morning/early afternoon. A typical breakfast could be bacon and eggs, toast, cereal etc whereas a B.o.C would be potato chips, coca-cola and your regular crappy food. It is reffered to as a B.o.C because it will set you up for the day to accomplish any given task fluently and at the adequate level of a CHAMPION.
Duder 1: Hey! The way you kicked that trash can was AMAZING! What have you eaten for breakfast??

Champion: Today bretheren, My morning meal consisted of half a pound of flour, three cans of Dr Pepper (Cherry) and enough pretzels to ensure I could kick any trash can with ease.

Duder 2: Wow! That is most definately a Breakfast of Champions !
by Ben McSex December 20, 2011
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When a girl wakes the guy she slept with the night before up with a blowjob and swallows.
Guy: (snoring)
Girl: Alright, time to wake up...


Guy: Dang babe, here comes the breakfast of champions!
by KittyCatty June 5, 2005
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Marijuana, weed, or pot. Sometimes used in a abbreviated state as B.O.C.
'Dudes did you get the B.O.C. for tonight?'

'I'm all out of Breakfast of Champions again.'

'Damn I need some Breakfast.'
by TheOneandOnlyRealTT March 16, 2006
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when after a night of partying you pour yourself a bowl of cereal only to realize that the milk is all gone. Fortunately, there is still plenty of beer. Pour the beer into the cereal and you have yourself a breakfast of champions. I know it sounds gross, but dont judge until you are hungover and out of milk and pour some in your cereal
Me: Joe you took the last milk!
Joe: It was the only milk
Avery: well there is plenty of beer in the fridge
me: (after hesitantly pouring beer in cereal) hey this is really good
Joe: yea dude looks like you made yourself a breakfast of champions
by bootznkatznktzn November 7, 2011
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Nutriotional Masochism
Tasty carbohydrate and fats followed by a ridiculous amount of nicotine and caffeine, a feel good Breakfast of champions!
Please don't judge my devotion to Nutritional Masochism....Cause I need it
by O' Baba June 6, 2017
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