I don’t care what you all think about what we are doing because we are going to do it anyways. We are living our best life
We are living our best life because we only have one life.
by BamaLadyAtHeart September 7, 2020
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Circa 2020: Prior to the Pandemic of COVID-19, arrogant young people born in what were called the millennial or gen z generations held this belief they were invincible and could not be prevented from living the life they imagined, and a virus was not going to stop them. Unfortunately for them, it was a great awakening.
Whatever, I'm still going to Spring Break, only corona I'm getting is on Cinco de Mayo bros! Living my best life!!!
by Brad McBradster March 19, 2020
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Circa 2020: An arrogant worldview before the COVID-19 Pandemic, young and overconfident American fools believed they were always going to live an amazing photogenic life and did not fear this disease. It was the height of 21st century opulence before the fall...
I won't get the corona, not gonna stop me from going to Spring Break and the beach, living my best life!
by Brad McBradster March 19, 2020
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To assimilate what a previous definition said, basically the phrase 'Living My Best Life' denotes a lifestyle (or a moment in time) where an individual is in its most optimal state of being. This state is completely subjective and varies from person to person. To some folks, living their best life may imply breaking free of some restraint. To other folks, living their best life may imply getting out of an unhealthy state and into a more healthy state. And to some other folks, this phrase may simply just mean getting by the day doing what they love.

Whatever the case may be, in all cases, 'Living My Best Life' emphasizes that only 𝗬𝗢𝗨 are in control of your life and only 𝗬𝗢𝗨 can understand what is best for you, regardless what other people may think or expect of you.

TL;DR Living My Best Life = living life under your own terms, at your own pace, with your own ideals and expectations.
"My friend is a music producer. He had big ambitions, however, living with his parents restricted his creative freedom. Thus, he set off on his own and moved into the big city (e.g. Toronto, NYC, LA). He lived in a small crappy apartment in a shady neighborhood, and survived off with hardly any income to pay his rent. Despite all that, he said he was living his best life."

"After a grave talk with my mother, I came to terms that my degen sleep schedule was causing distress to my life. After taking considerable effort to correct it, I now end up sleeping at 4am and waking up at 11am instead of my usual 9am-5pm degen hours. Even though I could not meet the normal 12am-7am standard set by my mother, I was already beyond satisfied with the result, and I felt like I was living my best life, and that is what ultimately matters to me."
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1. During the Bachelorette season finale Rachel Lindsay, told Peter Kraus, that she made the right decision in saying goodbye to him. While sitting down with Chris Harrison, Peter apologized to Rachel for saying that a life without him would be “mediocre.” Rachel responded and told him that she’s definitely not living a mediocre life. “I’m living my best life,” she said.

2. A statement made at the end of a sentence declaring the actions you are doing are causing you to live your greatess life possible.

2a. It is a popular phrase used on young women's social media especially those who consider themselves hip and trendy.
I went to yoga this morning and had avocado toast for brunch, I'm living my best life.
by ThisIsLeo September 27, 2017
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It means you are doing your best to live this life you were thrown into with little direction and experience.
Friend: Bro I heard you got fired from you job over some bs. What are you doing with your life?
Me: Yea man, Trying To Live My Best Life.
by dark7java7lava September 19, 2019
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What you tell people when you get drunk or high in a nicer place than you usually get drunk or high.
We got so wasted at the club last night. Dont tell me about living your best life.
by Ninja Nerd Warrior January 13, 2019
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