The best weapon in CS (Counter-Strike) noobs uses it pros also uses it.Noobs crouch and scope and wait for someone to come out and shoot.Pros runs around headshoting people with it.
Buy me an awp next round ok?
by HaO March 25, 2005
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A sniper rifle in the game Counter-Strike for unskilled n00bs who like to hide in a corner the whole game, taking out players many times better than they are while masturbating.
I always get my ass whooped in Counter-Strike whenever I use normal guns, so I like to awp.
by ddt February 10, 2005
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best gun in counter-strike. Real name:A-W-M (Arctic Warfare Magnum)
Most realistic and killin it stillz
<schoolboy> killz <stupid newb> with awp

<stupid newb>:You newb schoolBoy
*schoolboy bans the flaming newb and remarks
-You stupid flaming newbi,.. GG!
by School BOy June 4, 2003
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doesnt kill in 1 hit to the leg and yu have to come to a stop to fire it. this gun is especially good for killing n00bs, and when you kill a n00b with it they will whine. not too good against people who actually know how to play and can kill you in 1 shot with an ak deagle or scout.
* GhostfacE KillaH has killed n00b with a headshot from glock18 *
by GhostfacE KillaH December 4, 2003
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a pussy gun used primarily by ppl who suck with all the other guns, use autoaim, or hack because they are gay
The pussybitch is using an awp.
by Noone March 10, 2004
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The famous 1-hit-kill skill-less weapon of Counterstrike. Used by people who are too much of a pussy use the Scout, or any other gun for that matter. Almost just as bad as the m4a1 colt.
I enjoy knifing people who use the AWP. Or admin_bury-ing them, and then planting the bomb on their face.
by V4shM4r1in! May 5, 2004
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Overhated and infamous weapon that most gamers will recognize from Counter-Strike.

When people get good they realise that its no fun to just kill people anymore and so fun & games with the AWP have come about such as no-scoping, jump-scoping, quickzoom, and the blind AWP charge.
noob: omg u r so ghey w/ awp why u charge w/ awp????

not-noob: learn to type and no-scope noob
by skwalle February 22, 2011
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