The process of attempting to walk through a doorway and finding yourself stuck half way.
Geoff was so fat he Awkwarded himself in the toilet door and soiled himself
by Mezga69 March 4, 2010
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-To be most uncomfortable in a situation. Most of us have experienced awkwardness when having to talk in front of a large group of people with the usual "so yea" and "so like".

-Another form of awkwardness would be when talking in person and being really really unsure and unusual about your actions and words. Not knowing what do except acting "awkward" ( See Awkward ) Unintentionally.

Handsome Guy: "Hey beauitful"
Girl: -nods, smiles, and turns red-
Handsome Guy: "Your awkwardness. It's adorable"
Girl: -still nodding- "Ha yepp..."
by PabsCerv November 2, 2014
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noun used to denote an awkward situation. It is infinitely better than the alternate, yet more commonly used word - awkwardness.
"The awkwardity increased exponentially when Caitlin took her pants off"
by magical lioplurodon December 7, 2007
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A word used by white people to describe any situation.
It was awkward when two white family's wanted to buy the same lexus.
by mightybadg3r March 25, 2012
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a word used by prude or unattractive girls in situation in which they feel weirded out by the presence of a confident young guy trying to make conversation
Yeaa so this guy asked me for my number at the beach yesterday and it was like so awkward
by pimp nasty April 20, 2007
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When it's dead silent and that one friend says the most random shit.
No one:
Person 1: My parents are having financial problems
Person 2: Ok *awkwardness* good for you
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The word white women can use to describe anything.
White girl #1: Hi
White girl #2 :OMG u r so totally awkward
by Mel Flippin Gibson January 14, 2014
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