The worlds greatest sport, also known as Aussie Rules and Australian football.

Fast paced, it incorporates the best aspects of all the football codes and the likes of basketball and boxing (unofficially).

It dates back to Melbourne in the 1800s.

Its premier league is in Australia and is the AFL. Amateur leagues exist in many countries including the USA, UK, Denmark, Germany, South Africa, Argentina, New Zealand and the list goes on.

The first amateur world cup, called the International Cup was held in 2002. The second will occur in 2005.

In Australia it is the prominent sport in Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. The ACT and Queensland are coming around, but Sydney still needs work.

It draws greater crowds than Australia's other football codes on a club level (as Australia only plays Aussie Rules once-yearly in compromise rules against Ireland). The Grand Final draws a crowd of 100,000 people.
See for yourself:
by Ash January 16, 2005
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premier sporting code in Australia. alot better than wogball.
contrary to popular beleif, it is more popular than soccer in australia. and is alot better than that cuntish sport, rugby which those fuckhead queenslanders and New south welshmen call "Footy" which portrays the stupidity of these people as the ball rarely makes contact with the foot.

AFL draws larger crowds than soccer and rugby league week in week out, thus making it better.
Contrary to popular beleif, soccer is shit, Australian rules football is australia's only true footy code.
by peter6666 October 4, 2006
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