Used to show the Royal Vizier of the neighboring kingdom how the Princess sicced a bengal tiger upon your ass.
Prince Achmed: My ass cheeks. They're HANGING OUT! And what's this? Blood. Blood on my ass cheeks. Tell me Ja'far, how the fuck did it get there?
Ja'far: Is it because-
Prince Achmed: It is BECAUSE, your PrinCESS just sicced a BENGAL TIGER upon my ass!
by Prince Achmed December 5, 2020
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1. Shear extreme surprise.

2. The flapping of a holy ones ass cheeks, such as the pope.

3. When something so crazy happens that Jesus applauds you with his ass cheeks.
-A ass ninja flys out of nowhere briefly and then disappears into the shadows.-

Justin: Holy flapping ass cheeks! Did you see that ass ninja!

Matt: ....... -Slaps Justin for shear stupidity and then quickly disappears just like the ass ninja-

Justin: -After realizing that Matt was the ass ninja- Holy flapping ass cheeks!
by Mirthmanx December 15, 2010
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When someone is lying out of their ass so obviously that their cheeks start clapping together.
“I swear Stacy came on to me she was all over me at the club last night.”
“Bro there’s no way that happened stop clapping your ass cheeks.”
by BIGCHUNGUS42069 January 17, 2019
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I was in jail minding my business and this big buff dude told me run them ass cheeks
by Bitxhdfulookinat September 8, 2017
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“Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks” is a term/etc to express yourself by showing yourself love/lust to oversized ass cheeks also it’s originally coming from random peoples saying “Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks” to describe a bottom named Lawrence Mason Flack III aka WorldAssGod aka Leem419 aka ThaAssGod aka ThaAzzGod.
Alexander: Clap Your Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks For Me, My Queen.
They: *Clapping With Their Ass Cheeks On Alexander’s Cock*
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“Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks” is a term created by Alexander Clifton Desnoyers and it’s originally comes from inside joke that no one’s truly understand. However. Alexander explained meaning of the term. It’s term to describe a “queen” figure that meant to be loved instead of lust towards individuals with big butts regardless it’s a girl or a guy. As for same sex. Alexander claimed mens with big butts are more like queen figures. Feminine. Only under different circumstances and situations.
Alex: “Nicki Minaj Ass Cheeks”
Guy: What? What do you mean by that?
Alex: Let’s say you’re a queen that’s meant to be loved and cherished.
by Alexander Clifton Desnoyers October 17, 2022
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