( pronounced ASSpah-RAGus ); A catch-all term for any vegetables that you'd rather not eat.
Mom, 'Here, I made a sandwich for you.'
Kid, '....Ick, it's got asparagus in it!!'
Mom, 'It's just lettuce and its good for you. Eat up.'
by YoucancallmeFloyd October 8, 2007
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The rap group made up of the members, Ice Lettuce, Dr. Dressing, Eazy Bake, MCasear Salad, and DJ Peppa.
Hey did you see the movie "Strait Outta Croutons"? It's about the group Niggas With Asparagus.
by Salad John March 18, 2016
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Asparagus is an underwater cow with neon green stripes and a huge boner that helps it move
Lukas: look its a boner!
Ryan: thats Asparagus meaning
by cool A October 1, 2019
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The back-up line in hockey that is awful. The line that can not produce any sort of achievement on the ice.
"I'm tired of this asparagus line on the ice, let's get the studs back on there."
by Run CMC January 15, 2012
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When guys do crazy sexual stuff with asparagus at a friends house like hide the head how far can it go, double Asparagus meet in the middle
Did you guys see ken at the asparagus party man he does some crazy shit on the spargus
by Thelegendboomer May 14, 2015
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an underwater purple cow with neon green stripes and a huge boner that helps it move
Lukas: hey look at that dick!
ryan: thats asparagus meaning
by cool A October 1, 2019
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Texting someone in immediate/close proximity that you could otherwise physically talk to them face to face.
used in casual conversation ...so <proper noun> and I were at dinner, asparagus texting the other ight; laughing maniacally in my head.
by m.s. November 25, 2014
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