A person regularly impaired by alcohol or recreational drugs (see Muntered). They are often useless and disorganised people with poor personal hygiene. They are often associated with punk and anarchist subcultures. They are usually suffering from the permanent mental and psychological effects of such a lifestyle. These individuals usually live illegally on 'protest sites' such as camps in woods, or live in squatted housing.
1. Dave is a fucking munter.
2. That munter is not welcome here.
3. Im not going to work with that munter.
by Alex Cabb December 3, 2010
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Very very ugly person, the next step up from being a minger, who is just ugly.
by Lali_babe June 6, 2003
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1. one who is unbearably ugly
2. to get extremely drunk (get muntered)
josh - have you seen that charlotte girl?
jess- yeah shes a right munter"
josh- yo jess fancy getting muntered friday night?
jess- yeah that would be nice

by FJetch February 17, 2009
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Someone who likes to munt things. He/she who munts is a munter.
Johno is such a cunt munter.
by Morkus Morkus August 12, 2018
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