The cutest and best dog in the world that happens to be a German Shepherd Border Collie mix.
You have a cute dog, but that ain't no Zola.
by Zola1 September 5, 2023
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Perfect physique with a talent for fortnite and intimate chess playing. He has a fun and cheerful personality and hates horror movies but watches them with you if you ask nicely. Scared of rollercoasters but also goes when you ask nicely. Is a girl magnet and rejects at least 3 girls a day. ''no strings attached'' is his personal motto. Really nice and everyone should have a Zola as their friend.
Person 1: Damn, Zola is my personal role model
Person 2: So handsome wow
by shizzleblizzle September 6, 2022
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Betsy's wife. Infact the love of Betsy's life.
by Queefer123 June 9, 2022
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Zola is another word for simp. If you don't know what a simp is, then you must be new on the internet, a boomer, or you've just been living under a rock my guy
Jamie: aLl wOmEn aRe qUeEnS
Cam: omg jamie you absolute zola
by The Big Ham August 20, 2020
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