"yeetus the fetus" is a word commonly used by Faith. it is basically throwing a small thing. although people do use this word just randomly. the back round to this word comes from the culture of middle schoolers, it is used in many traditions as well but originates from the Middle schoolers religion. it is unknown who created this word but thousands of years ago they would pray to the fetus god to give them food and they would sacrifice a lamb and throw it off the bridge while chanting "YEETUS THE FETUS!!" over and over again to pray to their god.
" hey suzie throw this out for me."
" OK Annabelle.."
throws in in the trash
"hahaha suzie your so funny"
by smartiepantsbitch April 15, 2019
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Saying “get rid of it” or if you want to sound completely insane. Can refer to abortion
by KenSpecks February 21, 2021
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Yeetus Cleetus Deletus Fetus Meatus Beatus means to beat the absolute shit our of someone else's newborn baby through reality hacks in which you ascended to another dimensional plane just to beat the shit out of that baby, this is a very painful experience to both you and the baby, but don't worry, you have at least a 0.0000000001% chance of survival, at least you have that? the baby on the other hand will die, but who cared about it anyways, right? it was more or less and accidental birth anyways.... this can also be used as a threat, in which you may go back in time through that same ascendance to the time that person was born and do the same as previously explained.
you are going to make me Yeetus Cleetus Deletus Fetus Meatus Beatus you!
by TychonChosha898 November 9, 2021
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To throw an unborn child. Or an alive Fetus.
*when baby cries in arms* “ Yeetus thy Fetus demon child
by Gi Gi Habnini June 27, 2018
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A genetically related sibling from the same mother.
She's my Yeetus McGeetus the Fetus from the same Uteritous!
by YeetusMcGeetus March 21, 2019
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