Yandel is a good kisser he is easy to love over protective with his girl loves his girl will never cheat has one baby girl that he will always care about. Yandel is a great guy he will do anything to be with his bbg. Yandel is the best at soccer. Yandel knows what is his so he works hard to keep it. has the cutest girlfriend that everyone likes. He convinces his bby that she is worth the world and more. Yandel is cute. He will be the best boyfriend I will ever have!!! Yandel has that smile everyone want to see.
Yandel is cute asf. Yandel has a great smile.
by Strawberry 🍓 November 22, 2017
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known for having messed up toes
hey,have you seen yandels toenails..they look kinda weird.
by milana3982103812 January 28, 2023
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yandell is one fine ass guy. He knows how to steal a girls heart in an instant. He's cute, funny ( in the dumbest ways) breathtaking, handsome, and one good ass kisser/ French kisser. he can be annoying at times but he will make it up to you. he makes you just wanna grab him and kiss him to death with the types of things he says. and he's also freaky as fuck. he will make you scream and moan. but also, he is a sexy monster and an adorable person. i'm glad he is mines and mines only.
"Who is that sexy looking man over there?" "Ohh, that's Yandell, isn't he dreamy." "Dreamy? Hell nah, he is fine as hell." "oes he have a girlfriend? " "Yea, why?" "Well not anymore because I'm going to treat him the way his girlfriend has never treated him before" "I'm going to show him one good time if you know what I mean."
by yandell February 16, 2017
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Is a fag and thinks he is cool but is really not.He is really poor and only can skate board.
Yandell the fag
by Peoplein the hood September 4, 2019
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Yandel though is a very insecure girl who is in reality so BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS even but if you see her she acts like this confident girl more confident then ever and everyone one loves her for her goofiness But mostly her kind heart making the best you ever had
Damn yandel I see you

Girl are you doing squats cause I see you and I’m done with it.
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Yandel is a gorgeous girl who is goofy and rude but she truly has a kind heart she is also that girl that will act so confident but really feels insecure inside hiding the fact that she’s beautiful
Is that yandel
Damn girl you looking hot
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When a brainless fucking retard plays with a girl’s boobs and accidentally squeezes it too hard.
Yo that dude Christian pulled a Dirty Yandel on joe last night.
by Derek2098282 April 27, 2020
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