When you are high off of Xanax.
Wait, hold up, are you Xanned?
Yeah, maybe just a little.
I am too, I understand. Those 2s hit hard like rubber band.
It feels like they was just slammed into my brain!
by MathO24 February 3, 2019
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A genius comedian who resembles Sans crossed with a cat. He is hated by all who are jealous faggots and called gay by pathetic Tracer wannabes.
by Sans D. Comic October 3, 2017
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The globally agreed upon time to pop a xan
by @reallycoolguy66 November 27, 2016
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A 22 year old who looks 13 and once got sent to the hospital for eating Cheetos.
Guy: Hey lil Xan, are you sure you should eat that second bag of Flamin Hot Cheetos?
Lil Xan: Shut the fuck up. I’ll eat what I want.

*Lil Xan fucking dies*
by Ireallydontlikeu69 May 14, 2019
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In 2291 when 'Consensual murder' is legalized Xan Kriegor rose up from the underbelly of society and began to compete in the Liandri Tournament, later renamed the Unreal Tournament. Having already been infamous more numerous winnings in former tournaments, it was no surprise to see him become the winner of the first tournament. He leads the Liandri Corporation sponsored team - "The Corrupt". Yet it 2293, Malcolm, a human, unseats Xan who goes into a hiatus at the Liandri Corporation Headquarters for upgrades. Then in 2303 (year of Unreal Tournament 2004). Gorge who'd defeated Malcolm the year before, Malcolm himself, and Xan Kriegor all have their own sponsored teams and compete in the tournament.
Xan Kriegor, supposed leader of the Liandri Corporation.

Xan Kriegor, bitched by Malcolm.

Xan Kriegor, back for revenge.
by BonusStage March 9, 2006
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