An amazing guy. Hes got the ladies lining up. All the girls want him, and all the guy wish they were him. He is the perfect combination of dork and cool. And he has mad skills.
"Wyatt is wayy to awesome."
by Itshehehahahehe September 25, 2011
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by Oooowoooooo December 16, 2019
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A Wyatt is a teenager who gets all the girls. If you got a girl, if your not watchin, he will snach her from ya. Wyatt is super sexy, has a big dick, and is a fast track runner
You know that james who works at the store, hes such a wyatt
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Wyatt's are trustful, funny, and respectful guys. Wyatt's are people who can keep secrets, and have good times with. If you're in a bad mood Wyatt can instantly make you feel better, Wyatt can make you forget whats wrong. Most Wyatt's will fall for a girl who he is friends with first. ( Most Wyatt's like girls with light-colored hair, maybe blonde or ash brown.)

If you're ever in a relationship with a Wyatt, take him seriously because he cares about you. You're a lucky girl to be with a Wyatt. They might flirt or joke with you when they're bored, and if you catch Wyatt looking at you they're thinking about you, and how lucky they are to know you.

Wyatt's are amazing with kids. If he has a younger sibling, boy or girl, he will play with them, joke with them, care for them, even if his friends are around he'll still stay with his brother or sister.
Girl 1- I never thought my day could be better but then Wyatt showed up
Girl 2- I know, he can brighten anyone's day up :)
by BeTheBestYouYouCanBe October 14, 2019
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The sweetest guy I know, best boyfriend of all. The best guy on earth
by Amandachan101 February 19, 2017
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A guy who is sweet and sensitive. He listens when you need a shoulder to cry on and who actually cares what you have to say. He always wonders what is wrong and worries about you. No words can really describe him. He is amazing and beautiful on the inside. He makes you feel as if you are actually wanted. Wyatt is just amazing. And I love him, for him, his sweetness, and for how artistic he tries to be ha ha ha.
by Luvnheartbeat May 29, 2011
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Wyatt is the type of person anyone can get along with. He makes people happy without trying. He is a sweet and stubborn person. He's very lovable. He can relieve you of all of your trauma. He is the best. He is the favorite part of anyone's day.
"I love Wyatt, he's my world"
by Love-Aid Kit March 20, 2022
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