A term used to describe a long drawn nonsense procedure that has a lot of worthless steps that are unnecessary to the outcome of the procedure. It can also be used as a derogatory term to describe the nonsense associated with worthless corporate team meetings that are provided by management to make workers believe that they have been empowered to render important decisions at the lowest level of employment such as self-directed work groups
Joe speaking: There is going to be another team meeting to plan our production goals for the year.

John answers: You have got to be kidding; we just went through all that whizzle whazzle in last weeks meeting.
by Marilynandjewel September 6, 2011
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DAMN foo he be a whizzle.
by sumbezzle February 13, 2003
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T-Whizzle is a guy who likes to think he is big and strong, however when it actually comes to trying to lift large weights he always seem to have some form of mysterious ailment or issue.
Man 1 - Hey lets do some weights with T-Whizzle

Man 2 - Nah no way man last time I tried to do weights with T-Whizzle he kept claiming his legs were different lenghts so he couldnt squat properly or that he had back problems so he couldn't deadlift.

Man 1 - Yeah that sounds like a T-Whizzle no wonder he is so small.
by that awsome guy May 24, 2014
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Barry White... only in a guns n' bitches language, or... "Fiddy Shiddy" as it's preferred to be called back in my hizzle.
"This is a Barry Whizzle productizzle, and I'm in a bizzle of troubizzle!"
TRANSLATES TO - "This is a Barry White production, and I'm in a bit of trouble."
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