A tall lanky dirty bastard who drives a civic and puffs on the vape like a fuck nut. Takes care of his buddies dog and takes a ride on the red rocket express. He's super suave with dudes and gives a good header according to Tyler.
Adam : Dude I totally saw topher chuffing his vape in his civic last night.

Tyler: What time because he gave me a header at 10?
by Butt Valen August 11, 2016
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A person preferably but can also be a thing. Lovable but threatening and can cause you to have withdraws. The withdraws you may accure are usually called topherculitus; wanting of the topher.

Topher is commonly also a persons name. A person of amazing and different qualities, rare.
"Oh my god"
"Did you see that Topher?"
"No, I cant believe I missed it!!"


"I miss topher"
"I know the feeling"
*faints on floor* "Sorry I am just suffering from topherculitus"
by The 1 to <3 March 2, 2010
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A boy that not only doesn't care about girls, he flirts with nearly all of them and then changes his mind about them; he also dates other females within their friend spectrum. He causes a lot of harm to the emotional state of others and he can really make a girl cry! To many people's surprise, however, he is sensitive on the inside, although many define him as a "straight-up player". The blunter people in society simply don't look past the douchiness.
Hey, lay off, man. What did you expect? That kid's such a Topher...
by the_realistic_numbers112 March 30, 2011
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Someone who always finds an excuse to not hang out with his friends
Wow fuck that guy he is such a topher
by Beans123456 July 21, 2019
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the studliest ferret you'll ever see
topher is such a stud
by Elena February 7, 2005
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Fetch, cool, or awesome.

a word that matthewlush .aka. gaygod came up with
by suicidalmurderer November 6, 2007
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The greatest guy you’ll ever meet with a huge 7 inch dick
“man today my gf called me a topher!”
by ireallyneedanapguys July 12, 2020
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