The act of making someone 2 or possibly 3 ham sandwiches.
"Billy looks really hungry, I think I'll go ham on him"
by conoshan April 25, 2009
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Going on a tirade against a black person, often including multiple occurrences of the n-word.
John: “Michael Richards was totally going ham last night at the Laugh Factory. You see that?”
Aaron: Yeah, did you hear how many times he called that person a n*****?”
John: “Yeah, he went hard”
by Viko the Pirate May 15, 2019
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Al-Rasheed: I haven't seen Al-Jalil in a minute.
Hassan:I think he's Going ham
by Meezy-Me August 19, 2008
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To masturbate, jerk off, beat your meat to the point where you are so sweaty and numb that you can no longer feel any emotion
“Yo Hannah that Test was so stressful I’m bout to go Ham to feel de-stress” or “Omg Alecia he’s so hot I’m about to go ham”
by Inceluprising November 2, 2019
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to do something that isn't kosher to another fellow.
"John's bitch ass was fucking with my girl, so my crew went ham on his bitch ass."

"Go ham on these niggas!"
by BigJohn. February 23, 2010
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Verb. To go crazy, all out, like a bro.
Did you see Abby going ham at the show lastnight? Yeah the finch always goes ham.
by l3ahlives4br3akdowns October 26, 2010
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