A queer like boy who goes to a Christian School and plays Apex legends.
The timbo is a real fagg of a boy.
by The Joel Garth October 19, 2019
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A name called to someone who has just had sex with an extremely feminine male
oh my goodness! I can't beleive he just did a Timbo!
by Mr Bigglesworth May 18, 2006
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A form of a queer teenage boy who goes to a Christian School and plays Apex legends.
Why did that timbo talk to me?
by The Joel Garth October 19, 2019
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to eat three packs of cookies while sleeping with your neighbors daughters friends goldfish followed by smoking three cartons of Marlboro cigarettes and smoking four blunt two through the mouth and one through each nostril. Then pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees and make a pepperoni pizza hot pocket.
remember the time timbo went to eat three packs of cookies while sleeping with your neighbors daughters friends goldfish followed by smoking three cartons of Marlboro cigarettes and smoking four blunt two through the mouth and one through each nostril. Then pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees and make a pepperoni pizza hot pocket in the face!

that was so timbo in the face!!
by Timbo until tomorrow November 17, 2009
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On Fifa 11, a player who is unable to score no matter how hard he/she may try. He/she usually gets close but ends up missing in a frustrating/laughable manner.
Player 1: I need to score! I need to score get me the ball!

Player 2: Okay here it comes your wide open you better not miss!

(Player 1 shoots, hits the crossbar and the defender kicks it out)


Player 3: WTF MAN!?

Player 1: Sorry guys.

Player 4: That guys a Spinning Timbo.
by Fifaplayer123 October 8, 2010
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