1) A ball of male ejaculate filled with feces that has been sucked out of the anal sphincter by mouth while nothing seems to be going as planned.

2) A horribly vile name to call someone who has so far surpassed douchebag status that no other words can possibly express their level of filthy assholery.
That is a shit infested cum bubble from a felching fiasco.

You are such a shit infested cum bubble from a felching fiasco.
by Big Nasty T September 15, 2009
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A big fat racist cis gender white male who only thinks of himself, he has seg with child and fuck tem in the behind on the rump
Big juicy fat cum shit/Max Hess
Did you see Max Hess he was being a shit head max hess
Listen you fat retard I will kill you and you are family
by Michael Lee 2.0 March 3, 2020
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When a woman fucks her own fuck than takes a Fucking shit on her cum repeatedly getting fucked by a cummed out dick that may or may not have spit on the ass of that woman licking it as he would put his dick into her ass at the same time while have a orgy, then the orgy just fucks the woman so hard that she starts to cum on every single dick in the party, you can say one thing about it though it is a good time
Fucker cum dick cum shit spit ass shit On my dick yeaaa.... *MOANING AS HARD AS THEY CAN* “FUCK US ALL” the orgy moans
by Hidhhdjdjdjd May 2, 2021
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When the shit feels so good that you ejaculate
Dude I just had a shit that felt so good I came
Oh yeah, you had the cum shits!
by weasdrgbh September 7, 2022
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