When you are driving and some goon tries to cross a crosswalk expecting you to stop for him and you instead try to roll through the stop sign only to realize you will hit him unless you thunder it away.
this chank was tryin' ta cross but i rolling thunder'd it outta there. he was pissed that I almost hit him
by Aggressive Driver April 1, 2013
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an occurrence when one has a large amount of gas and feces. The person then expels a large amount of gas, making a booming sound, and also expels the feces as though the bottom is vomiting it out. This causes the person expelling the excrements much pain, but is extremely amusing to people watch.
Man, was it hilarious when Jimmy had a rolling thunder while he was streaking. The feces almost made a dust cloud as they poured out, and the flatulence awoke the whole street.
by Dr. Oddjob April 18, 2011
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Sticking a fruit roll up in the female orfice and pulling it out and making the woman eat it.
She was hungry after doing it. So I did a quick roll of thunder and she was satisfied.
by Maverick and Iceman November 6, 2004
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When you know you got a hell-a-cious loud fart, and your wife is in the bed reading or watching Grey's Anantomy, you run twoards the bed and go into a barrel roll, when you fixing to complete the roll you spread you legs like an eagle and your ass lands directly on her face, then you unload while singing Thurder Rolls by Garth Brooks. You can replace the Thunder Rolls with Lighting Crashes by Live if you'd like.
Guy 1: Dude, I totally pwned Sally last night with a Thunder Roll
Guy 2: What grade are you in now?
by NewEnglandClamChowder December 12, 2009
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1. What you say to your friend when you see an obese person's rolls because of being topless or close to it.

2. A song by Garth Brooks with a good title for describing huge fat rolls
Bill sees a very overweight woman wearing a two piece swim suit.

Bill says to his friend: Hey, John. The thunder rolls. Tehe
by teddybearfuzz September 1, 2018
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rolling like thunder, striking like lightning: to excel
Every crunch time, Ben was rolling like thunder, striking like lightning.
by TooSick4U June 2, 2013
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A large stock option position with the intent of a large gain.
I just hit on my ‘Rolling Thunder’ position in Tesla.
Feb. 2021
by plazmastox February 24, 2021
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