A nosey neighbor or resident of a house or flat that is always trying to spy through the curtains and see what's going on
Dem fucking curtain twiddlers always calling the police on my ass when I was just trying to make some money to feed my daughter
by Rob_11 January 2, 2016
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A term used to describe an sick individual that sexually grooms children, especially as a tool to excel neo-Marxist Wokeism ideology. Synonym: Groomer
This kiddie twiddler thought is was a good idea to show kindergarten students how to pleasure someone with a dildo.
by Luke The Canuck July 22, 2022
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Once a man has reached point of ejaculation, he chooses the female’s big toe as his target. Post cum-covering fulfillment, he precedes to force the big toe into her anal cavity. Finally, the toe must be spun clockwise in the asshole.1
One sick fuck came along and performed The Turkish Twiddler with his study partner.
by BD2020 December 1, 2018
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