What are those people doing with pants down to there knees?
They're PDS'ing
by trutingsk February 19, 2015
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Person 1: "Britney Spears is a PDS."

Person 2: "I don't care if she's a purple dragon slayer. I love her!"
by lalalandbabe August 12, 2009
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Short for "People Derangement Syndrome"; Similar to various syndromes involving individual politicians (eg, Bush Derangement Syndrome, Obama Derangement Syndrome), this ailment is marked by an irrational fear and loathing of the American People speaking their ideas in public fora, individually or in groups.
"The guy on CNN has PDS - he was ranting how terrible it is for people to question Obamacare."
by cornmouse August 10, 2009
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in referance to two people making out ...duh

commonly used through txt or some form of Instant Messaging.
guy: so later do u wana go hook up
girl: hah sure =
guy: =pd=
girl: haha yay =D
by slightly disturbed February 4, 2008
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by jdawggy April 14, 2014
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