pill taking, mouth breathing, tag along, annoying person who won't atop asking questions during movies, hoe.
make me some skrimps Forrest!
by Liz Forma and hot swedish guy September 23, 2006
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To Pull a Forrest: To wear a uniform on a day when no uniform is required.

Usually put down to a deep love of uniform.

This action is frequently performed by people who spell Steven the wrong way.
Speaker A: 'Mate why are you in uniform?'
Speaker B: 'I love my uniform, I often masturbate over it'
Speaker A: 'You just pulled a Forrest.'
by VisbetterthanPH September 22, 2010
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Forrests are awesome smelling guys with thick hair and muscular lips.......... wait a second. I'm thinking of a Gabriel.

Forrests are very arrogant. They care about no one but themselves. They appear to never feel emotion, but in fact, they are very emotional people. They cry themselves to sleep at night because of their hideousness.

Forrests always try too hard. They wear 'cool' clothes and slick their hair into shiny mohawks with butter.

Never get involved with a Forrest because one day they will tell you they love you, and then soon enough, they will stab you in the back and eat your hair.

Forrests have very addictive personalities. Find a Wii, pop in Rockband, and you will attract masses of Forrests.

Forrests think that they are studmuffins, but in reality girls run away from them.

Forrests have a tendency to crush on Emma Watson. They just can't get enough of her baldness.

Forrests also have some good qualities. They are good singers. They are very smart. They can do an amazing jazz walk. Forrests are also very good at guitar.

If you meet a Forrest you are actually very lucky. They can be really good friends and great people to hang out with. Don't let your Forrest go because they will never...... k........ won't often let you down. ;)
Stacy: Hey Forrest. Wanna hang out on Friday?

Forrest: Why would someone wanna hang out with you?
by UD whore February 3, 2011
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A dude with a small wennie and totally loves gay sex. A total butt pirate who loves High School Musical.
AJ: What do you want to do this weekend?

Forrest: Go home and watch High School Musical with my boy friends
by The Winker May 28, 2009
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an amazing kid who always gets sick and punished
dude your never can hang out stop being such a forrest
by sammisfreakinawesome April 10, 2008
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to fail a test miserably, normally 40 or below.
Man I totally forrested that test today.

by Starwarsfreak117 April 22, 2009
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The name of a person who is amazing, I would do absolutely anything for a person named Forrest. Somebody named Forrest is probably also gay as fuck, and reads/read homestuck and wattpad. Pig pp energy.
Person one: “Oh my god did you meet Forrest?”
Person two: “Do you mean the sexy man with a large cock? Yeah!”
by endox May 17, 2021
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