1. A convenience store throughout America and is thought to be owned by Indian people.

2. Someone who never shuts up.
1. Hey man, wanna go to 7/11 for some candy?
2. (From Rush Hour 2)

Kenny- "Why are you hanging with 7/11 there?"

Lee- 7/11?

Kenny- Cause his mouth never closes
by Alfred Boyer October 17, 2011
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another way to call somebody a slut
Boy: Hey Girl did you know everybody calls you 7-11?
Girl: Why do they call me that?
Boy: cuse your Legs Never Close
Girl: Thats Mean im telling on you
by PieMast3r July 16, 2009
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A convenience store located all over america , mainly owned by Indian peoples , has amazing drinks called slurpees , basically slushies , and they have slim jims , great beef that comes in little packages. They have alot of magazines , candy , and other food . Its a great place to get snacks , and lots of people hang out there.
Hey , lets go get some slurpees and slim jims from 7/11 , and hang outside.
by Marino Maroulis May 31, 2006
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Christian music that repeats the same 7 words 11 times.
This song is a 7/11 song.

holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy
God God God God God God God God God God God
almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty almighty
adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore adore
you you you you you you you you you
by owl1958 October 27, 2007
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a dice game originally known as craps. Comes from the fact that a 7 or 11 wins on the first roll
I was playing some 7-11 and lost all my muthafuckin money, man. Now howm I gonna pay my babys child support?
by bojzzle October 10, 2004
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the place where all the day laborers hang out before the trucks come.
i drove by the 7/11 this morning and all the mexicans were still sitting out front.
by B Chris August 17, 2006
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