A shitty city in Southern California. People in Temecula are all poor and wish they lived in San Diego or LA. You can't drive ten feet in temecula without seeing a lifted blacked out truck being driven by some skinny white kid with oversized sunglasses. Everyone in temecula is covered in tattoos and generally look like white trash carnival goers. The natural beauty of temecula is awe-inspiring, residents enjoy a 360 degree view of desert shrubs on hillsides and the weather is great. 100 degrees F during the day, 60 at night with a whipping valley breeze. If it wasn't for Abbott Vascular, a fortune 500 company, Temecula would have absolutely no redeeming qualities. Temecula is a shithole where nasty bro-ha girls get pregnant at 15 and look forward to a wonderful life in bro-town, off-roading, tattoo ridden, white trash TEMECULA, CA.
God damn I have to work in Temecula five days a week, I want to kill myself. I swear if i see one more lifted bro truck that has never touched dirt I'm going to cry. Everyone in Temecula is ugly or pregnant or both.
by SanDiegoIsBetterThanTemecula August 10, 2009
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A lame town that has mostly emo kids, slutty girls, old people, and teenage boys that all dress the same. Its north of San Diego and south of Orange County and Los Angeles. It has a little over 100,000 people though I don't know why. Everyone there is either REALLY rich or really poor so they just live there and drive to san diego everyday for work. If you're rich than you'll fit in but if not, than good luck and try to move!
where do you live? temecula. oh that sucks. OR where do you live? temecula. wheres that?
by Sarah Cullen <3 February 3, 2011
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A shitty suburb in Southern California consisting mostly of strip malls and concrete wasteland. Where bros, ricers, emos, soccer moms, fat asses, and religous freaks reside.
by anon March 18, 2005
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Temecula- Known as “little Mexico” by the outside world.
Hey do you want to go to Temecula?

No thank you, I’m not really a fan of little Mexico.
by Stinameesh March 8, 2018
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A place of bitches , dumb ass negros, Cjollos and most of hall fake ass crews. They try and sell sac and brawl at every party. The girls start drama and pass on stds (temecula Valley ), PEople at chap think they have a good football team but get shittend on on tv by vista 45-17 we all know who the best is. A-gang, valley boys , crooks, bro's, Gnarr mob and shacky cats fuck up all the crews in temecula!!! awww bluhd they aint go shit on murr-town! so whats brackin
A-gang, valley boys , crooks, bro's, Gnarr mob and shacky cats fuck up all the crews in temecula!!! awww bluhd they aint go shit on murr-town! so whats brackin
by Murr town hero May 2, 2011
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Where one bro takes a steaming swirl type dump on another bro's head while he is passed out from drinking too much cheap beer.
Whoa dude, we were so wasted and then Jon passed out so I gave him a Temecula Tophat to keep warm.
by Troll Teacher November 23, 2011
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TPS (Temecula Prep School or Temecula Prison System) A school so damn depressing that every student wants to kill themselves everyday. They assign 5 hours of homework every night thinking the students are robots and dont have lives. Like seriously we have to wake up at 6:00 get ready, go to school, get home at around 3, do homework (5 hours), and still try to keep up with extra curricular activities, sports, and our social lives. If you go here, im so sorry! Most of the people who go here are the people who can't afford clothes, complain about why there arent enough free dress days, and then when its free dress day they wear the uniform.
Person 1: Ayyy bruh. What school you go to?
Person 2: Temecula Prep :\
Person 1: I'm so sorry......
by Ummm. Please Stop March 15, 2015
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