to be always trying to impress the teacher and get on the good side.
teachers pets include the good kind that's doesn't try and doesn't use it for advantages. others include the teachers pets that do it for the label and the special privileges. but the worst teacher pet includes the kind that do it so when students dob them in the teachers don't believe it.
man I wish I was one of those teachers pets
I hate that girl, she is such a teachers pet
by Cassandra Fuziness March 18, 2015
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I'm going to challenge most of the definitions that define a teacher's pet as a bad thing. A teacher's pet is a student who wants to be the best he/she could be. He/she will make sure (I'm going to go with 'she') She would do all of her homework because she likes her teacher. She some of the time wants to have a friendly relationship with the teacher because she might not have a lot of friends. She raises her hand for every question, and more often than not is right. She does this, not to annoy her peers, but simply because she knows she's right or she wants to participate and actually try. She has conversations with the teacher and tries to help her out. A teacher's pet might aspire to become a teacher. They might seem like a know-it-all also, but sometimes, there might be person out there that just always seems to know it all!
The rest of the class asks the teacher's pet questions about the assignment, because she/he is just as knowledgeable as the teacher.
by RaWr_ImMa_DiNo November 29, 2015
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Someone who allways follows all the rules and dose what the teacher says and tells on anyone els when there braking rules or a rule.

Also this dosent just go for telling a teacher it can also go for anyone els like a adult , babysitter or a boss ect. It just teacher because there are more rules in school and more people will tell
Jack: Mr.John Jimmy has his phone in class

Jimmy: No I don't it's in my locker

Jack: I saw you put it in your pocket

Mr.John: Give me your phone Jimmy, thank you for telling me Jack

Jack: Your welcome

Mr.John: Jimmy you should always follow the rules, like Jack here

Jimmy: Jack your a teacher's pet

Jack: Mr.John Jimmy called me a teacher's pet
by Just a name267 January 27, 2018
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to be always trying to impress the teacher and get on the good side.
teachers pets include the good kind that's doesn't try and doesn't use it for advantages. others include the teachers pets that do it for the label and the special privileges. but the worst teacher pet includes the kind that do it so when students dob them in the teachers don't believe it.
Amelia is such a teachers pet it make me want to punch her
Yvette is so cool, is soo a teachers pet
by Cassandra Fuziness March 18, 2015
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A student who is supposedly highly thought of,but is really looked down on,when teachers have their own little gossip.A student who probably has family problems,and feels the need to improve themself,without realising how they really look.
Everyone hated the teachers pet types,but also felt sorry for them.
by SomeoneNew November 15, 2012
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A person who is a goody two shoes and suck up to their teacher.
"Oh Miss, you have so much marking to do!" - Liyana S (Teacher's pet) said in a monotone voice
by gossip girlies February 16, 2022
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There are many types of teachers pets.

1. The kind who tells the teacher every little thing someone does.
2. The kind who waits for the teacher to get onto them, and then they get onto them too.
3. The kind who acts like the teacher is a god and brings the teacher gifts.

The third one is only good for a fun teacher, like Coach Bass, everyone who knows him likes him. Even the kids who get in trouble.
The teachers pet told on Joe-Bob today because he found a pencil on the ground and took it for his own.
by My Pseudonym 30333 April 21, 2022
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