a mix of the words "sweet" and "sick". it is double as powerful as the words seperately.
Dude those shoes are so swick
by Chris February 4, 2005
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the meaning of sweet and sick combined.

swickest; swicker
Foyle is the swickest chic ever
by NYyanks May 15, 2005
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combination of the words sweet and sick, used when describing something incredibly cool
1:Damn that show was amazing
2:Yah it was hella swick
by Tiffany October 27, 2003
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better than sweet, better than wicked
That movie was swicked!
by meow_mix3d March 3, 2004
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A combination of sweet and wicked: Means awesome
1) This show is really swicked.

2) Your mom was swicked last night

3) This class is really not swicked
by flanny December 5, 2006
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The words sweet and sick met together one day, and had a baby named "swick".
guy 1 : I just got layed.
guy 2 : Bro thats so swick !
by paullyb October 2, 2010
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Adjective, combining the words sweet and sick. Means really sweet, and really sick (in a good way.) A positive thing.
Some random guy says, "Dude, that hat is swick!"
"Yes it is, thanks!" said the other guy.


"Hey, let's see that movie. I heard it was swick!"
by Scott Erickson September 6, 2006
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