"Those sunnies are heaps cool."

"Dude, are you from Australia or something?"
by jellybean4 May 11, 2009
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A girl who smiles a lot and is happy and bright.
Most times she will be easy going and funny.

not much to sayy. :)
by SUNNY GIRL August 7, 2010
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Beautiful, attractive girl who is always smiling. She like to have fun and be her self. when she wants something she gets it. Sunni is a very trustworthy, and honest friend. she is Very outgoing and likes to party.
by breerae1011 April 22, 2011
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Opposite of a Moony.

A Gentleman revealing his private parts in public
I was walking down the street and some random guy gave me a sunny
by aidanbill98 June 6, 2019
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To be beaten with the greatest odd and chances against the person. To hold Pocket Queens against Jack Six suited and losing 12 dollars to 2 pair. Losing pocket Aces to 3 -7 off suit to a full house. To call with 2-8 off suit and catching a full house. To catch any sets or trips. Used widely in poker, but can be used in every day term.
That nigga Sunny just Sunnied Dexter with 2-7 off suit!
by Min Min Min Min September 16, 2004
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Another term for "sunglasses". Anyone who thinks that "sunnies" is a dorky term needs to eat a bowl of STFU.
A: "Good luck finding the sunnies."
S: "Who the hell uses that term? You suck as a person!"
(slaps face, then goes on a killing spree at Home Depot)
by Someone More Awesome Than You December 11, 2005
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