!. Style with ease.

2. Someone's trademark or own style.

3. General word replacement,(i.e. "thing)
1. Yo that dude's got mad steez.

2. You know my steez.

3. "You goin to that steez at Joe's house tonight?"
by Steezy9887 April 11, 2009
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straight up easy flow and mad unique style. confidence and skill expressed via actions and phrases that knock peole back in awe an amazement. you either got it or you dont.
Im an easy steezy mac n chessy!

More steeze please.

That guy....has got steeze.
by Andizzle-Dazzle May 8, 2008
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steeze, a word often used by snowboarders and skateboarders, means a trick done with style and ease. it is done with very little effort and done with much ease, but at the same time, glides like butter

holy shit, kerry getz is ILL, he has major steeze!
by barfbagmasterdragon February 13, 2009
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style and ease, you put it together and get steeze
that's mad steeze. damn hes good
by real nigga February 10, 2006
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Style with ease = Steez. Nuff said. Method man said it first. Premier scratched it. Know your shit.
Method Man: "You Know my steez" from Shadowboxin'.
by Rapper Big Poohnani February 20, 2011
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Steeze is a simple combination of the words style and ease and although originally used mainly by skaters and snowboarders steeze has recently begun to be used by famous artists such as Kid Cudi and Ke$ha.
When these artists, and artists like them use the word steeze, they are normally using it as a substitute for words such as fresh, fly and swag, Normally using the word in a referal to their attitude, charisma or choice of clothes.
Ke$ha:"My friends think I've gone crazy, my judgment is getting kinda hazy
My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead"
by Lozzzzzzzzz December 18, 2009
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extremely smooth ghetto gorilla style, particularly while spinning off axis or sliding a rail on skis
that dude has sick steeze on that rail
by alex plattner April 29, 2004
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