Something completely overrated and became suprisingly very popular very fast.
Pokemon is a loud of shit forced down the throats of billions.
by omg, DUH!! October 26, 2003
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What you say when you know something big and bad is happening.
Dude, did you hear about Jamie cheating on Zach?
Yeah, shit is going down!
by JesseTheJohnson June 13, 2008
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What you say when you know something big and bad is happening.
Dude, did you hear about Jamie cheating on Zach?
Yeah, shit is goin' down!
by JesseTheJohnson June 13, 2008
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What you saw when you know something big and bad is happening.
Dude, did you hear about Jamie cheating on Zach?
Yeah, shit is goin down!
by JesseTheJohnson June 13, 2008
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To take control of situation. To get in charge of something.
Lock That Shit Down can be used to describe taking control of the situation with your woman. "Son, you need to lock that shit down, pronto"
by Bill Clinton's Wingman December 2, 2008
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situation is not cool, someone is acting up or being crazy, things got out of hand
by Carabear77 October 15, 2016
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An strategy used to manipulate unfavorable Internet ratings, opinions or other social-media emergencies by displacing them from awareness with massive amounts of alternatively engineered content.
Kripes! We just got super-flamed on Twitter and it's contagious. This could cost us millions if it spreads to the news-feed--mobilize the forces, we gotta push that shit down!
by YAWA December 14, 2018
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