Capitilizing every single word.
Someone who is shayning : Yo Yo I Am So Leet Because I Type Like This And It Makes me Look like A Fool

Me: Why don't you just type normally?
by darkmyst August 29, 2005
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A black monkey with a fat ass and a miget he has a big cock and always horny he is gay
Emily and her friend are at the zoo and they spot a shayne in the cage
by 69blAckmonkey67 May 14, 2022
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Shayne “with a Y” is your quintessential male Karen. Nothing is ever quite right, except for “shaYne”. He preys on girls with daddy issues, normally fat chics with poor hygiene and harry buttholes.

The male Shayne can typically be found loitering at Waffle Houses, Wal-Marts, Marriott Hotels and low income apartment complexes.
Damn! Did you see that harry-ass fat hoe that works at Waffle House going down on Shayne in the bed of that truck!!!
by Gay4Clents August 26, 2022
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To be shayned is when you have received a form of pleasure on a scale of 1 to 10.
- Dude, I got level 6 shayned yesterday!
- Lucky!
by Dasher101 July 6, 2015
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a very attractice girl, usually blonde. Known for being compulsive liar and not too good with long term relationships. Shayne's usually tend to be in the middle of drama.
Person 1: Wow, i can't believe shayne broke up with her boyfriend already. She told me he was great.
Person 2: Well, that's Shayne for you.
by lilman10 April 12, 2011
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A smart ass who speeds, flirts, and thinks about car crashes way tooo much! Gotta love him tho
“I can’t get this guy out of my head
“Let me guess his names Shayne”
by Shushed flèche February 11, 2018
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A lying heterosexual car freak who needs to get over himself and stop making excuses as to why he can't spend time with his so called other half. Other than that a fun shit head whom I adore.
Donnie: Hello friend! You look nice.
Shayne: Go fall into a wood chipper! SUBIE!! I LOVE MY SUBIE!
by Spikey Homo March 9, 2009
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