Sabine's are commonly compared to potatoes in many cultures. Sabine's are usually really good with computers though and would be great at becoming an animator. Pixar and Disney are absolutely snatched by a Sabine's incredible ability so watch out for your wigs!
Sabine: ieeeee have lucid dreams

No one:

Sabine: *giggles*
by wartsup March 10, 2019
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A really good manipulating pick me girl who most of the time has an ego the size of her forehead. She is also most of the time really emo and acts happy, but when they get home do nothing but cry. But its okay because she makes up for that with her 9//10 personality and 8/10 looks but its okay because personality is what matters.
John: Ew what shes a Sabine
Daniel: Yeah unfornuately
by shortywitdafatty June 22, 2022
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That shy submiss who sits in the back of the class and squeeks. You can't decide if it's cute or annoying.
"Hi, my name's Allison"
"M-my n-n-name is Sabine *squeek*"
by TablesTurned November 20, 2013
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A girl. She is very weird and has no taste at all. She has a habit of having her computer bonking against her head and is very inseacure. she goes well with red-heads. she loves pokemon and is a "very" talented drawer. ~wink Wink~ ;
for all we know she could still be hitting her head with her computer at this very second.
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so incredibly hot and the best bf ever - loves kisses <3
sabin is so hot! anyone is lucky to have him!
by lmaooowhattt April 1, 2022
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she is the most kutte person you will ever meet, she is stupid and anoying. She has no diploma and you have to het away from her. She can only cut cheese thats all
Look there is Sabine she is cutting cheese
by evaatje1234 November 22, 2021
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Sabine is an amazing girl. Eminem and Cavetown are her favorite singers. Sabine cries a lot more than you think she does, and she really needs a hug . Sabine is a Lesbian and absolutely LOVES glee . If you are one of Sabine's friends, just give her a hug. Sabine probably goes to therapy . You may not care about her but she cares about you, Sabine is a very forgiving person. Sometimes she might say or do something weird but please brush it off because it will happen often.
person 1 "Yo, SAbine looks really sad today"

person 2 "yeah,im going to go check if shes okay"
by LunaLoki11 July 19, 2020
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