"Are you sure about that house? Maybe you should ask your REA for some inside advice?"
"As your REA, I advise you to .." (with great Oscar Zeta Accosta notes & intonations as seen in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas")
by D4g November 12, 2008
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Added to anything that is related to reactaleu.
Example: rea-army, rea-server, rea-member, rea-tard.
Rea-fan: oMg ArE yOu A rEa-MeMbEr ToO.?.!.? EeeEeeeeEeeeEEEeeek!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Reactaleu July 12, 2021
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1. A good looking guy, who is as smart as hell and always gets the girls. He is praised by women, he is a sex god. You don't wanna fuck with that guy whose macing on those chicks over there!

2. A dope ass nigga who stacks paper, reels in the hoes and is street wise. He knows how to throw his knuckles at you, so you best be getting the fuck away from that guy, Ladies go mad when the see him walking in the streets, all glistening and shining but haters gonna hate!
Oh shit get away from that guy, he's so Rea
by Ray May August 1, 2011
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That nasty food gave me such hot rea.
by madchiller July 28, 2006
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reas-pect man
by bob October 21, 2003
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Rea is a slightly caucasian human who is emotionally India and wastes too much moola at Abercrombie and Fitch. She wear glasses (cute ones) and enjoys photography but often rides her pet giraffe tothe rich mall in Toronto.
Damn, she really pulled a Rea.
by johncenaaaa December 14, 2017
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