A group of people comprised of individuals with the names: Sean, Dylan, Marcello, Diego, and Matt.
by Jew coon October 22, 2019
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when one person rapes a gang or group of people. the opposite to gang rape.
i went into a room where i proceeded to reverse gang rape a large group of homeless men.
by Ginger D July 9, 2010
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The act of multiple people playing a single player game together to increase efficiency and speed.

(Also known as grg-ing said game)
Nerd 1: Dude, how'd you beat Final Fantasy VII so quick?!?!?!
Nerd 2: Me and Todd, gang rape gaming.
Nerd 1: Aaah, smart move.

Laurence: Man we grg'd the shit out of Pokemon Yellow last night and beat the elite four 5 TIMES!!!
John: mmm...
by CleverMike July 16, 2011
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When 2 or more monkies rape another monkey, In anyway, mostly happens at zoos where people can see.
"We had a third case of Monkey Gang Rape this week, Those fucking monkeys are getting out of control.
by George Bushy Balls July 23, 2006
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When you've done loads too much and you can't breathe - you try to blow your nose and your brain falls out. Drugs have taken over your nose and have repeatedly fucked your nostil with a big black dildo
Nasal gang rape
Nose fucking
Inbred, butt muncher, ponce, moron probably from Adelaide and breeds bush pigs
by Your Mum likes Bush Onion January 29, 2011
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When some one learns a facebook user's password and instead of just facebook raping them, tells others said password resulting in a multiple rapes by different people
"Oh shit, my brother learned my password and told EVERYONE, ive been facebook gang raped all day!!!"
by jamwan133 September 17, 2009
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