noun. verbal recognition awarded to those who perform bold or daring feats. Praise.

Props are trumped only by mad props.
Guy 1: Did you see Jimmy clear those stairs on his skateboard?
Guy 2: Yeah, I have to give him his props for that one.
by Joey Orgler 3 July 30, 2008
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Termonology widely used by the skateboarding community. Means "Proper Respect"
One may perform seemingly dangerous or pointless tasks in order to gain ones Props or recieve it for doing something of great significance
1. Hey man reckon I should drink this gallon of monkey jizz "just for Props"
2. Mad Props for making that blader fall on his face
by mrpain July 23, 2008
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\'prÄps\n pl by shortening of PROPERS f. proper respects 1 : respect, proper respects "we shold give teachers props in this country" 2 : credit where credit is due "he may be dull but I give him props for his neurosurgery noble prize achievement" 3 : Praise, recognition -syn KUDOS, shout out, propers, respect, deserve
by ReneP July 30, 2007
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A person who spends a short amount of time in your life and adds no intrinsic value.
Nick met a prop on a cruise. He will never see her again.
by Scoopbitch March 29, 2019
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In a film, other than set peices,
any real-life object appearning on screen;
especially those objects used by actors
in a movie. Following a big film's premiere props
and movie memorabilia become instant collectors
items for film fans.
Guess what the number one thing movie memorabilia fans buy right after a film premiere - props used in the movie
by Chezchez April 6, 2006
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Proper and deserved recognition and/or respect.
I gotta give you big props for winning a fight against that yid.
by GuidoPosse69 March 4, 2005
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