Someone asking you what pronouns you prefer - it is a jargon phrase for identifying your gender. Ie male, female, neutral, etc.
Example pronouns: He, Him: she, her; shme, sheer, and sometimes... it.
by P.L.U.R. kind friend November 28, 2017
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Pronouns are something use to describe or call out a person for example he/him or she/her don't be using them Xeno pronouns or those made up pronouns by people it doesn't sound right you cant be clalling people "Dream" or "Demon" or they/them those people are mentally ill in the head and do need help
Person 1: Hey can i get a big mac meal
Person 2: sure that will be 8 dollars
Person 1: here you go
Person 2: can i get a big mac meal for her
Person 1: no its actualy they/them
Person 2: O sorry make that 2 meals
Person 1: wait what i thought u said 8 dollars
Person 2: Its 2 of you right so that will be 16 dollars
Person 1: but i only payed for 1 burgur and its only me here they them are my pronouns
Person 2: but your a they/them so that would be 16%
Person 1: I wanna speak to ur manager
Person 2: *slaps*
by Cenneta November 27, 2021
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Something people think they can just change on a dime. Originally referring to gender, (He/him she/her) it now refers to what people want to pretend to be.
Karen is whining about her pronouns again.
by chryobyte November 3, 2021
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a set of nouns in the english language used in place of a name. pronouns can vary from me, that, myself, i or gendered pronouns such as he/she/they.
1. I love hanging out with my friends.
2. He uses any pronouns.
by incomprehensible being September 10, 2022
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Pronouns can be in the first person singular (I, me) or plural (we, us); second person singular or plural (you); and the third person singular (e.g., she/her, he/him, they/them, ze/hir) or plural (they/them). Gendered pronouns specifically reference someone's gender: he/him/his or she/her/hers.
Mike added the Pronouns Him/He to his LinkedIn like a faggot ass bitch.
by Lesterholtshairline May 20, 2021
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used in a sentence in the place of the specific pronoun to avoid getting labelled for unknowingly using the pronoun not preferred by the referred person.
I thought pronoun is a dancer.

pronoun takes he/she/they/it
by MisfitMe May 1, 2021
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