Blowing breath into your partner's mouth during a half-open-mouthed kiss which make him or her looks like a peking duck.
1: find a partner
2: ask him/her nicely if they want to try the peking duck kiss
3: if they agree, grab their face and make sure they won't run away like a duck
4: do the normal kissing, but add a little bit air blowing and see how they like it
5: if they do, blow more
6: if they do not, blow more, if you fail, go back to step 3
7: enjoy
Me: I gave my boyfriend a peking duck kiss...
BFF: How does he like it?
Me: He broke up with me. I blow him away. lol
by HoleyCow October 30, 2017
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A Caucasian man solely attracted to Asians. See Rice Queen
Dave is a Peking Tom; he'd rather fuck an ugly Filipino than a Norwegian supermodel.
by Deadly Girl December 31, 2004
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Giving the fruitbowl to someone then pressing it on an unknowing or unwilling person.
Pete- Hey John
John- Huh?
by Swartwood2006 March 7, 2007
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the top of a thong peeking above the waist of some low rise jeans
you know when you see that peking floss that a tramp stamp might be there too
by todd the collector October 24, 2010
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Definetly it means that your friend is fake
"tangina mo bitch na peke"
"the bitch na peke is hiding underneath the surface of the table"
by Shizukua March 11, 2022
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When you’ve eaten way to much Chinese food that turned out to be loaded with salmonella. Followed by a raging case of dysentery.
Holy shit, I just took the biggest Steaming Peking Dumpling and my asshole still burns.
by Rick Junk October 22, 2020
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A person who pretends to be extremely picky in order to appear “cool”
She is such a peke, she pretends to be picky to make her look rich!
by Google’s favourite October 17, 2021
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