Parent Behind Me- As in be careful what you're saying to your boyfriend online because your momma is watchin right behind you.
Jamal: Hey baby whats going onnnn ? ;)

Janie: Pbm, Pbm!

Jamal: I mean, Jesus loves me this i know...

Mom: What does Pbm mean sweetie?

Janie: o just, you know... Pretty beautiful muchacha?
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Protagonist Beast Mode Syndrome or PBMS, is a cliche among many genres and literary works. This occurs when the main protagonist is so powerful that he/she removes all suspense from the literature itself. This is common in many mainstream animes and other works of art.
"I hate this show, character X is never defeated in battle! He has a severe case of PBMS."
by Gameassassin1020 November 7, 2014
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PBM - is a definitive term meaning Poor Bitch Mentailty

Ex: a person has grown up in a poor impoverished family , going without material luxury and opulence in their growing adolescent years . When the person grows up , becomes educated and well to go they amerce themselves in fine clothing , fancy cars, jewelry , furs , ect. Leaving behind and shedding any trace of their former life and self as a PK -(poor kid) . This used to be somewhat referred to as Nouvaue Riche

Today it is PBM
PBM { Poor Bitch Mentality }
Did you see her new Mercedes Benz ? Yes I know she has PBM!
What's that ?
" She was so poor growing up they had to sleep in the family van " now she has PBM

{ poor bitch mentality}
Oh yeah she does !
by Cece Oooo October 12, 2017
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a girl with an ugly face but a nice body
that girl has a really good body, she is good pbm(paper bad material)
by Derek Miller April 8, 2005
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pussy breath mint. someone who has bad breath and declines mints would be considered a pbm.
yikes she smells like pbm.
by nvgt September 23, 2023
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Stands for Pilot Butte Middle School
Literal hell, never go here, it's a bad idea, run while you can
Guy 1: hey dude, what middle school did you go to?
Guy 2: PBMS
Guy 1: Damn dude, *hugs guy 1*
by Ethereal Rivers June 18, 2018
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