jibber is a skank ass type of purple weed grown in fucking pineapples. the dank ass pineapple mold gets onto the weed and turns shit purple.
its great
by dickmanpenisdog July 12, 2011
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A person who leaves a session whilst its still going, or who falls asleep mid sesh. Jibbing is one of the worse things to do if you are normally up for the party. Jibbing by going home results in weeks of torment and may result in you being called a Jibber for life. Jibbing by falling asleep will result in you getting drawn on, shaved, stripped etc.
Its only 5am and he's fallen asleep the Jibber, lets shave his eyebrows off!
by Lauralizzy April 14, 2006
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a new school skiier who sticks to the park. shithouse at regular skiing but insane at tricks and rails.
yo dude you got skills but you are a jibber.

"that dude is pimpin" "nah dude, jibber"
by andre pestello August 14, 2006
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The sexual act of sucking a fart out of your partner's ass with a straw, holding it in your mouth and proceeding to make out with fart juice being shared.
I gave Brandon a Jibber because he was wanting to try something new and was a little too scared to go for the barracuda launcher
by black magic rod July 11, 2008
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A beast skier in the park, however not the best at regular downhill.
Whoa dude, look at those jibbers on the half-pipe.
Yeah man they are awesome.
by Adam Huenemann October 24, 2007
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Anything for which the name can't be called to mind. A substitute.
Hey mate, have you got the jibber I need to fix this jibber?
by Jazman63 February 18, 2010
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A uneducated country person, characterized by their incomprehensible accent, and failure to talk about anything other then their Ford pick-up truck. Frequently use phrases such as "Yeah, bud!", or "Git-r-done!" Are also known to exhibit a southern accent despite living above the Mason-Dixon line.

See also: Redneck, breeder
That jibber only talks about his F-350 and chronically regurgitates quotes from Larry the Cable Guy.
by Slick Willy April 18, 2005
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