October 18th is now Drink shampoo day! Head off to the store and buy you a nice bottle of Pantene shampoo and drink it!
Micheal: yo today’s October 18th, you know what that means
jake: aw hell yea, I brought an extra bottle of Pantene if you want it!
by dinobutter69 October 15, 2019
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October 18th is national bring an unmarked can from your pantry to school day and yeet it down the stairs at the disabled kid
Hey guys you know what day it is grab your cans and make the vegetables it more of a vegetable on October 18th
by Gау вітсЋ October 16, 2019
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Guy 1: You know today is October 18th right?
Guy 2: yeah I know im gonna ask her at lunch today.
by johnyappleseeds October 16, 2019
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national give your friend a handy day
Oh shit it’s October 18th? You better start putting that hand to work then!
by snobonmynob October 18, 2019
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This is the day where u sort your relationship problems out with friends or boyfriends or anyone. You will talk to them and you will be happy on October 18th
October 18th Is the day I sorted stuff out.
by Make a change in your life October 17, 2019
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October 18th is the big day! Give your crush a hug every time you see him/her!

And see there reaction
October 18th is the best day to win your crush!
by Chillkid05 October 16, 2019
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National have threesome with Magnus and Didrik day.
Wax your vaginas and get ready for October 18th baby!
You know what day it is?
Yeah, it’s October 18th.
You know what that means?
Frick yeah, i’m so pumped!
by FunnyPoop October 16, 2019
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