Stands for One True Pairing, used by fandoms (such as fanfictions, fanarts, fanvids, etc.) to describe two characters that are meant to be together.
"Hey, which pairings do you like? NaruHina, SasuSaku?"

by Obsessive Narutard April 6, 2010
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Q: What's you OTP?

A: Idk man, they're all pretty delicious.
by pseutastic July 26, 2012
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The term OTP has many meanings, such as On The Piss (Drinking terms), Outside The Perimeter (Atlanta slang), One True Pairing (In Fandoms), and many other meanings.
On The Piss: "Man, we're gonna be OTP tonight!"
Outside The Perimeter: "Oh my god some she's sooo OTP!"
One True Pairing: "My OTP is John Egbert and Karkat Vantas, definitely! JohnKat forever!!!"
by OneEyedCosplayWonder December 17, 2011
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One True Pairing. Meaning the your favorite combination of characters in a fandom.
Harry and Hermione are /so/ OTP.
by erica January 30, 2004
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OTP stands for One True Pairing.

Larry Stylinson is the best OTP there is but that is just my opinion and most Larry Shipper 's opinions too.

Just saying
Person: Who is your OTP
Another person: Elounor

Me: Larry Stylinson
by Twerk It Hazza May 30, 2013
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Apart from 'One True Paring',
OTP is New Zealand slang for 'On the piss '.

'Piss' can be slang for alcohol, so On the Piss means to be drinking alcohol (usually a lot) or used when someone is talking about drinking alcohol in the future.
(Facebook status):
Getting OTP this weekend!
*Jacky* and I are OTP! Great party!
by newzealanderyeah December 30, 2011
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