Someone with earlobes connected to the side of their head.
Person: Are you Nugger or Non-Nugger?

Other Person: Shaddup you nugger.
by RekkyRekky June 14, 2015
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A fusion word tied together by the ultimate Canadian hair stylist, Statikman, meaning "nut-hugger" or tiny bathing suit for men.
MadArtist wore a pair of blue nuggers for the 1990 gay games bodybuilding competition.
by MadArtist, May 10, 2007
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Another word for nigger slightly less racist
"that n--nugger stole my money"
by mjugugiu June 18, 2015
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Another term for male gonads aka ball sack. Specifically small balls, but can be used to describe anyone's balls.
Girl: Damn it Dave, your nuggers are hanging out of your shorts, go put some underwear on!

Dave: Suck my nugs!

Girl: I'm gonna kick you in the nugs if you don't get some underwear on!
by SummerGirl <3 July 5, 2014
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One who enjoys Nugget porn.
The Nugger is contemplating on chopping off his limbs to evolve into a Nugget.
by Nug Love November 1, 2010
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a nigger who commits the act of mugging.

nugged- the term used to explain being mugged by a nugger.
i went to the grocery store to buy some watermelon, koolaid and fried chicken and i got nugged by a nugger on the way home.
by nugga ya lata June 27, 2009
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