one who has a nubbsmall penis and uses it by nubbing people.
My Ex boyfriend was THE nubbinator, although he thought differently.
by J HILLS October 7, 2006
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The act of have sex while your penis is still in your underwear. Any type of penetration where you leave your erection in your boxers.
You go to a sporting event, you meet some rando, you dont have a condom and you don't want your love stick to get sludged on so, you NUBB it. NUBBIN is not a sport it is a pleasure.

"I just totally NUBBED some girl!"
by Deuce Davenport September 26, 2011
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It isn’t just for third nipples anymore. The term nubbin can be used to describe a variety of small objects or people like your friend “No Limb Jim”, or your iPhone charger’s wall connector, or a little bit of rice left in your beard from last night’s shame-filled sushi, sake, and karaoke night. Heck, the polite little man who DJ’ed karaoke could even be described as a nubbin. Used as a term of endearment or descriptive pronoun, Nubbin is your new backup anytime the real word slips your mind.
Dawww, what a cute little nubbin.”
“Has anyone seen my nubbin? I need to charge my phone.”
by kelsmoneymillionaire September 22, 2015
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Also known as a Tracy Goodrum. Small in stature, insignificant to others, a general annoyance.
by Greasyboy March 26, 2019
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A developing third nipple, but not a true nipple yet.
Holy nuts! Phil has a nubbin on his back!
by El ritardo July 15, 2018
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