A sentence said by Peter Parker (Spider-man) before turning to dust and dying. If saying this in front of a marvel stan or tom holland stan, it could cost a punch, slap etc.
'Mister Stark, I don't feel so good.'
'You're alright'
by _lestranger October 10, 2018
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The only sentence that made me so mad, I accidentally threw my popcorn bucket at this sweet little boy who was minding his own business.
Idiot who thinks he’s funny: I don’t feel so good
Me: I. Am. Seriously. Going. To. Run. You. Over. With. A. Bus. And. I. Am. Going. To. Make. It. Look. Like. An. Accident.
by th3lal February 16, 2019
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The words in which Peter Parker (Spider-Man), said before he turned into ash in the movie "Avengers, Infinity War." These simple 5 words are now many marvel fans trigger words. If you have a friend who likes Marvel, do not... I repeat DO NOT, say "I don't feel so good." Replace it with "I don't feel that well," or "I'm not feeling very good."
by BaconBytesYT April 15, 2019
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imperative, command to introspectively analyze one's life and come to the conclusion of worthlessness, see kill yourself
"You just got hit in the crotch with a melon! Feel good!"
"I'm Zac."
"Feel good!"
by Rustjive March 31, 2003
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Weed, ganja, reefer, etc. The wonderful green substance people use to relax and hang. We don't fight, we don't rape, we hang.
Hell yeah. I haven't smoked feel good in a minute.
by I am.. An equestrian statue. January 25, 2011
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