A rule describing the amount of time that a magical force field surrounds a dropped piece of food, after which the force field drops and the food can become dirty and not edible
Shaniqua dropped her Oreos on the floor, but she still ate them because of the 5 second rule.
by CoolNameHere July 11, 2004
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A superstitious belief that food can remain in contact with the ground (no matter what's on it...?) and still be edible.
*Eddie drops a rasberry onto dogcrap by accident while walking with Bill*

Eddie - *picks up rasberry and eats it*
Bill - What the? Why did you eat that??? Naaasty...
Eddie - Five second rule.
by PunkOrNot July 23, 2005
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Taking 30 seconds to think before you say anything, because 99% of what you say right away is stupid.

This is most commonly used in the World of Warcraft.
"Raloth, 30 second rule!!!"

"Shut up Raloth, 30 second rule!"
by Valjean September 16, 2008
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A variation on the "5 second rule" and "3 second rule", this term is mostly employed by street vagrants, or those who cannot stoop over to retrieve their food in less than 5 seconds.
Uuh... I can't bend that fast.
Oh, well. 10 second rule.
by fetusboy September 26, 2005
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the rule whereby if a college student is present in his dormitory and takes more than fifteen seconds to answer after a knock, one can assume that he is masturbating.
Bill: Matt, are you there? (knocking)

Matt: Yep, hold on.




Bill: Fifteen second rule, you're officially masturbating. (turns around)
Hey everyone! Matt's masturbating!
by The Iron Fist January 6, 2009
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1. If an article of food is dropped, the 5 second rule states that it is still elligible for eating within a 5 second interval.

2. A rule governing the amount of time it takes for George W Bush to speak before he mispronounces a word.
We will not stand around to witness the creation of NUQULAR weapons. Oops, five second rule.
by bob_the_russian November 5, 2003
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After you have a wank you have 10 seconds to fall sleep quickly overwise you miss your chance
"bro i missed to 10 seconds now i cant go sleep"

10 second rule
by R1.toosav July 1, 2020
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