a berry, berry, berry, berry, cute girl that boys like to look at.
"Damn look at that nathalie that just passed by."
by y0y0y0 August 19, 2008
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She lives 2,400 miles away, and she is the best person out there. But she doesn't love me.
Person "Hey man stop trying, Nathalie ain't into you"
Me "I know, just talking makes me happy"
by Sadn3ss March 1, 2021
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Nathalie is the best person to be around. She knows how to have fun but knows when to slow things down. An overall happy person, who hates to be around Debby downers. A Nathalie loves to spend time with family and friends, she feels like that’s all she needs in life. She comes off as very happy but very aggressive but she’s the total opposite. A sad, soft hearted, fragile girl but you’ll only see her vulnerable if she trusts you. She dwells about a lot but when it’s time to show face she puts on her mask and smiles. Nathalie’s are lovely to be around but they need their space. If something seems too good to be true Nathalie will self sabotage because things haven’t always been so great for her. But no matter what, she shows a care free bad ass beautiful girl. And that’s how everyone will remember her.
Guy 1: Look at that girl she always looks so happy, I wanna be her friend

Guy 2: That’s my friend, she isn’t always like that you know?

Guy 1: ohhh she must be a Nathalie
by NlaeRehT April 29, 2020
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A Nathalie is a person working in a callcentre, whose voice is extraordinarily friendly. So friendly in fact that even the most aggressive customers turn into total softies after being in a call with her.
"Yesterday, I had to deal with this really aggressive customer from this major telecommunications company. But surprisingly, at the end of our call, he was absolutely friendly with me!" - "Of course he was, how could he not? You are a real Nathalie, you know?!"
by Stabbykitten23 May 6, 2021
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A normal girl who has great friends... but not all of them are true friends
i have friends like a Nathalie
by a girl1221333131 April 11, 2009
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1. A unique name, like natalie, but with "th". A usually super funny person. Can make you laugh til the day you die, and loves to eat english muffins. Nathlies normally love the name "Walter" and have a weird habit of barking at elementary school principles. Lives on park benches and normally have neighbors who look like a Maria(search name). Nathalie is a name used to describe exotic or in other words, Philipino, girls. They are extremely pretty, hilarious, tall, dark and curly haired, with a nice tan. Nathalies tend to have a weird obsession with Giant German Rabbits.
Girl: Mommy look ! Theres a Nathalie on the bench.

Mom/Principle: Honey, just walk away.

Nathalie: Bark! Bark! Bark!

Dude: Woah, she is so hot! She has to be a Nathalie.
by Wii Tard February 23, 2009
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Nathalie is one of the most craziest and funniest girls ever. She is very pretty and an amazing friend. Nathalie is a tall person. She wants to find her soulmate and be lucky in love.
Wow, look that's Nathalie!

Nathalie is gorgeous.
I wish I'd have a friend like Nathalie.
by Tessi G. June 5, 2020
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